Thursday, May 15

Wake Up President Bush

President George W. Bush has recently visited Israel and while there lavished praise on Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the latter broadcast on the TV station which he controls a stinging message: the US is “the greatest Satan in the world.” Now why does President Bush lavish praise on the PA and Abbas? The TV station also recently had a childrens show were one of the characters on the show kills Bush. Are these the kind of people we want to be praising? Why does Bush continually push for Israel to give up more land to these terrorist? Why does he through Rice continue to press for the dismantling of security check points? Why does he want Israel to give free reign to the terrorist on the land of Israel? Can anyone tell me what his true objective is? All I can say is with friends like Bush who needs enemies!!

Friday, May 9

Civil War in Lebanon

Have you been one who defends Hezbollah and the Terrorist in Gaza/the West Bank? If so look to the Civil War they are now starting in Lebanon! Hezbollah and the Terrorist are not going to be happy with just taking over Israel, they want to spread their violence and religion to the whole world taking our freedoms and instilling their Muslim laws in place of all other laws. Have you hidden your eyes to this? Watch and see if the Lebanese Army is defeated, then how Hezbollah will start persecuting the Christians and Druze people in that area. Note that Israel is one of the few countries in that part of the world that allows religious freedoms.

Sunday, May 4

International Day of Prayer Coincides with International Aliyah Day

Those of you who are participating in the International Day of Prayer on Monday May 5th, may be interested in the above article. (Click on title of post to link to the article.)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6 KJV)

Blog Intro

Since I'm not a writer, this may be difficult for me. But I needed an outlet for the buzzing in my brain, so stay tuned and soon you will get a look inside the mind of a broken soldier.